Star Alchemy APP Monthly Access

Star Alchemy APP Monthly Access


Access Options for Monthly Subscription to Star Alchemy APP

This is a manual sign up option for Star Alchemy APP

A link to setup payment for your membership to Star Alchemy APP will be sent to you via email as soon as possible and you will receive a follow up notification when your membership has been successfully activated and processed. 

This monthly subscription can be cancelled at anytime by your request in APP or via email to

Your preferred email will be registered as your username and you will be able to access the archives at your leisure.

Thank you for supporting the ongoing creation of potent life transforming content that Alexis Star has been guided to birth and share with beings who are ready to align vibrationally with the highest frequencies of love.

Upon purhcase you will receive an automated email of confirmation of your order.

Thank you for your patience.

Please provide your Star Alchemy APP login email upon checkout so that your membership can be manually activated. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Alexis Star via

Mindset Monthly Membership Tier:
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All options grant access to all of Star Alchemy.
Please select an option that best reflects your ability of energy exchange.
Thank you for honouring yourself, and acknowleging your personal financial situation.

ABUNDANCE MINDSET: $44 per month
Prospering Generousity

GRATITUDE MINDSET: $33 per month
Integral Appreciation

SCARCITY MINDSET: $22 per month
Desiring Support

LACK MINDSET: $11 per month
Financially Challenged

POOR MINDSET: $4 per month
Poverty Stricken